Category: Uncategorized

  • The broader point, I feel, is applicable to both men and women. someone’s said “if you don’t heal from the past, you’ll bleed on the present”

  • Chat about Black/white thinking

    Sorry it took me a while to get this posted. There have been follow up conversations that I’m currently waiting on approval to post because I don’t want to unmask anybody without their permission.

  • We get constantly mistreated because people make assumptions About us, and our internal states based on what the observe and whatever bullshit their processing filter subjects them to.

  • For those of us that are deep empaths and/or hyper-empathetic who have been constantly misunderstood and not given the benefit of the doubt or even benefit of the facts (I’ll need to do a post about this), we already do this. We try to evaluate things from the perspective of the other party and try…

  • I know many NDs have been dreading “return to the office” mandates.