What keeps people from being accountable to those they hurt?
Compassion for the abuser
Accountability inaction
Update 8-04
BPD and alexithymia
Some of you have suggested that M may have alexithymia enhancing her misperception of my emotional state. I’m not sure I buy that one.
On Accountability
If you can’t take accountability for your own actions then you’re probably not the type of person I want in my life.
This is why I don’t diagnose others
This too is very much like the experience I had with M. Every time I stood up for myself she acted like I was being irrational. I’m not saying here that she is a narcissist or has NPD. Again, I’m not diagnosing anyone, just talking about my own experience.
Update 08-03
Update 8-02
Borderline and sociopathy
This is sounding very much like the experience I had with M. Again, I’m not diagnosing her just talking about what my experience was.