Why keep crying
Why not be on YouTube(or instagram, or TikTok, etc)
Did your job violate ADA by taking you off that project?
Short answer is no but here is my voice making that same point much less efficiently
Filtering and Masking
5 minutes after posting this, Deogh hit me up with this question: Don’t you think you’re doing her a disservice by not keeping friendship on the table? Narcissists sometimes improve to win back the person they lost. Maybe she would do the same. Here’s my response
What do you mean by “Autism Forward”?
Do I worry about flying monkeys?
Would I take her back?
Oh.. I forgot something else related
Why did I get crippling anxiety as a result of the breakup?
I kept getting this question from women who have autistic partners. There is a bit of rambling with setup and rehashing things already discussed but I wanted to give context. The answer part starts around the 35 minute mark.
The ground we give
As autistics we are often inclined to see ourselves as the ones who need to give ground when there is conflict. Years of being told not to fidget, not to bounce our legs, not to spin around, not to grunt or clear our throat. It all results in a feeling that we’re expected to change…