Category: Uncategorized

  • Therapy session #2

    This is the 7/4 therapy session. We were supposed to have a session today (7/6) but there was a scheduling conflict that came up so we pushed it to Saturday.

  • Thanks I am alive

    To those checking on me, thank you. It’s hard sometimes to get past the inertial friction of just NOT doing anything. Some days I wake up super motivated and then some days I just want to shut my eyes and let the world continue on without my participation. To my tribe, thank you for holding…

  • Therapy Session #1

    There are a bunch of things we didn’t get to cover but the broad strokes hit the mark(s). I really needed this session. It helped give me perspective and to bolster some thoughts I’d had about certain behaviors. First Therapy Session to get past shit with M

  • A new day

    Ok. Today I got up feeling like maybe I can actually get something done. I have a couple of servers that I need to configure and ship out. I have an afternoon appointment with my psychotherapist to discuss getting past this recent traumatic event (the break up with M.) and then maybe I’ll get to…

  • The accountability I deserve

    I was a dick to M after she ended things. I’m not proud of what I did but here let’s get it all out in the open. There that’s the list of intentionally shitty things I did after she kicked me out of our home. I’ve apologized. I tried to explain to her that I…

  • The cost of trust

    “When are you going to trust me?” That’s what M asked me one day when I told her that I want to compliment her on her looks and tell her how sexy she is constantly but that I have an apprehension that it will come across wrong because of my alexithymia (emotional blindness). It was…

  • Cassandra Syndrome

    Today I discovered that the disconnect I experienced with M not only has a name but that the name is Cassandra Syndrome. Ironic to me as one of the first comments I got on my post (the poem on the autism group) said “…textbook Cassandra scenario, sorry brother…” Like, it was great finding out that…

  • Today is a rough one

    I have had about 4 hours of malaise followed by extreme bouts of nihilism and sorrow. The cycles goes something like this: During the few hours in point 7 there’s pacing, crying, self-loathing, contemplation, resolve to not give up, and more pacing.

  • Alexethymia AKA Emotional Blindness(?)

    This is a great break down of the anecdotal experience many people have with Emotional Blindness. My experience is quite different but parts of what she discusses really resonate with me. This video on the other hand brings it all home. The part where she discusses the example of two people having lunch is exactly…

  • Laying some ground rules

    For those of you who have found this place because of the poem I posted, thank you. I appreciate you stopping by. As I don’t advertise this little corner of solace. I don’t expect to see many visitors in my server logs but am pleasantly surprised when the number of visitors increases. Let’s be better…