Category: Uncategorized

  • Abuse and Bad Behavior

    I can’t go through an exhaustive list of every single instance of abuse that I was subject to by M. I also want to make it clear that I do not believe (for now) that she was intentionally abusive in every case. People are both complex and complicated. When she and I got together, I…

  • Begin at the beginning?

    I’m torn. When I started with this whole thing. I thought “great now I have an outlet for my grieving process” but honestly two things have changed my perspective and the related need for mourning the loss of my relationship with M. I don’t know what to do from here. I still want to process…

  • I was never safe with you

    I am, neurodivergentExactly what I’ve said is what was what my words meantWe’re unheard whenPeople see the mask and think that that’s the personHow perturb’nWe fell in love and had emotions surging“You’re safe with me”Then the mask slips and the relationship is curtains I put the work inTo be “normal” but I’ll never be a…